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How do I Apply?

Once you have read all of the FAQ's, eligibility document and other pages on the website, please scroll to the bottom of the home page. There you will see 3 boxes for you to check, and you can then start the application process. You will find instructions on which documents to submit, and how. 

Where can I find out about the entry requirements?

All of the requirements for application are here

When does the IEMBP start?

In 2022 we will be offering a January and April intake. 

For 2023 academic year, there will be an intake in October 2022 and January 2023

Are there other costs related to the IEMBP Application?

Other costs related to the IEMBP Application include:

  • courier and/or postage fees for sending the print-version of your IEMBP Notarization Form and related documentation to the IEMBP;
  • courier and/or postage fees to send evidence forms to referees;
  • translation costs (if required).
What happens if I do not finalize my IEMBP Application on time?

Your IEMBP Application must be finalized before midnight Pacific Time (GMT-8) on the IEMBP Application Finalization Deadline, as posted on the home page of the IEMBP website. Late applications will be considered for the subsequent intake.

What if I don’t have all my documentation to send in after completing the application in time to meet the deadline?

Contact the IEMBP office to discuss any issues you have with documentation and to see if alternate arrangements can be made.

Do I need a visa to apply for the course?

You do not need a visa in place to apply for the course. Once accepted, you will be provided with a letter of acceptance that you can use in your visa application. You will need either a student co-op work visa, permanent residence or citizenship to take the course. 

What experience and education do I need to qualify for the IEMBP?

The IEMBP will accept different combinations of midwifery education and experience so long as you meet all the requirements of one of the Options (A or B).
To see the IEMBP Midwifery Background Requirements, view the Entry Requirements.

How do I know if I have to take an English test?

Please read the IEMBP English Language Requirements page on the IEMBP website to determine whether you meet the requirements for exemption from English language fluency testing.

How do I know if I have to take the Orientation to Canadian Healthcare Systems pre-requisite course?

You do not have to take Orientation to Canadian Health Care if you:

  • Passed a similar course within the last five years that was Canadian in scope, and covered at a minimum: federal and provincial roles in healthcare, roles and collaboration of different healthcare professionals, patient/client expectations, work safety, privacy, and other relevant legislation and expectations. A course transcript direct from your institution is required as evidence.


  • Successfully completed a Canadian education program for a regulated health profession in Canada within the last five years. A course transcript direct from your institution is required as evidence.


  • Worked as a regulated health professional within Canada for at least 8 months of full-time practice, or equivalent part-time work, within the last ten years. A letter from your employer or equivalent, stating dates of employment, full-time or part-time status, profession and role for this employer is required as evidence.
If I meet all of the eligibility requirements, will I definitely get into the IEMBP?

Entry to the IEMBP is competitive and there are a limited number of spaces in the program. This means that even if you meet the requirements of the IEMBP, it is possible that you will not be offered entry to the IEMBP, depending on your background and those of others applying at the same time as you. However, if you believe that you meet the eligibility requirements, we encourage you to apply.

What if I am sending a form to a country where English is not commonly spoken?

It will be less expensive for you if the person filling out the form is fluent enough to fill it out in English. However, if this is not possible, you should request that the person filling in the form do it in their own language.All documents received in a language other than English will need to be translated for the assessment process and applicants will need to cover the costs of this translation. The IEMBP office will contact you to complete the translation agreement and to make payment arrangements according to IEMBP policies.

What other costs are involved with the course?
  • you will need to obtain your CPR (HCP) before you start the course.
  • you will need to cover the costs of relocation that may be involved with your clinical practicum, and for the intensives in Vancouver.
  • you will need to have some of your own midwifery equipment by the time you practice, which will include BP monitor, adult and paediatric stethascopes, baby scales (fishing scale variety). A full list will be provided during the course.
  • you will need to have ready access to a car, and be responsible for running costs.
  • If needed, you will need to pay for an orientation to Canadian health care course.
  • you may need to purchase text books
  • Upon completion of the IEMBP, all students are responsible for examination costs to become a registered midwive in Canada (CMRE, BC Jurisprudence Exam) as set forward by the governing bodies.  
Can I get help with the Costs of the IEMBP?

There are no bursaries or grants available at this time. You may be able to get a loan to help you via

Royal Bank of Scotland are also offering loans to midwifery students at UBC -

Can I choose where I am placed for my clinical practicum?

Although you may express a preference for the location of your placement, we can not guarantee that you will be placed there. We will take into account your learning and experience needs, and the availability of preceptors at that time. You may be placed anywhere in British Columbia.

Do you recognise all midwifery schools?

Not all midwifery schools meet our requirements for eligibility. It may be possible for candidates to undergo entry testing, if their midwifery school is not recognised.

Do you have a list of recognised midwifery programs?

No. There are many midwifery schools around the world, and programs change from time to time. We review the curriculum that candidates submit, and will inform everyone on an individual basis.

What happens after I have finished the course?

- You will be eligible to take the CMRE and jurisdictional exams for British Columbia (see what other costs are involved, above)

- Please see the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives website HERE for further information about registering in BC. There may be extra criteria you need to fill, so please read carefully

- If you are intending to register in another province, you may need to meet extra criteria. It is advisable that you register in British Columbia first, as there is an interprovincial agreement for registered midwives.

I am an obstetrician or MD, can I apply to become a midwife?

No. Our program accepts only applicants who have undergone a midwifery education program.

Contact us

If you have read through all of  the website pages and the FAQ's, and you still have questions please email