Welcome to the Internationally Educated Midwives Bridging Program - IEMBP

Please join us in acknowledging that the midwifery programs, at the UBC Point Grey Campus are located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓-speaking Musqueam people.

The Internationally Educated Midwives Bridging Program (IEMBP) aims to increase diversity and expertise within the midwifery workforce in British Columbia. This 8-10 month orientation program provides a means by which internationally trained midwives can become registered for practice within B.C.

The IEMBP is an orientation program, not an education program. Applicants must have completed a recognised midwifery education program, or be assessed on significant midwifery experience if their education cannot be verified or approved.  Only those who have undergone a midwifery education program can apply to the IEMBP. Medical professionals, regardless of experience, are not eligible for this program.

All interested applicants should refer to the Eligibility Requirements page on this website to ensure they meet all educational and experiential expectations.  Seats in the program are limited, so applicants are assessed, interviewed, and then offered a place in the IEMBP based on our mission to increase experience and diversity. Seats cannot be deferred to a following year. A waitlist is maintained.

Applicants will need to be eligible for and have in place prior to the start of Term 1:

  • study co-op work permit (obtained after acceptance on the course), or
  • have permanent residency, or
  • be a refugee, or
  • be a Canadian citizen.

The IEMBP prepares candidates to take the provincial and national midwifery exams which, when passed, allows applicants to submit their application for registration as a midwife in British Columbia with the College of Midwives of British Columbia (CMBC).

*Please only contact us with questions once you have fully read the eligibility document, and the FAQs*

IEMBP Start Date

The IEMBP is offered twice a year. The program is delivered in three terms.  Applicants must pass each term before being permitted to continue to the next. The exact start date of each term will be determined closer to the beginning of the intake.
Additional education may be required for applicants based on their application.  Those without Canadian health care experience will need to complete an Orientation to Canadian Healthcare course.

Term One:

Online Tutorial

  • A weekly 3 hour, case based tutorial
  • Can be completed anywhere in the world with high speed internet and a computer
  • Estimated timeline: 12 weeks, beginning January
  • Approximately 6-8 hours of self study required each week

Term Two:

Vancouver Lectures

  • 7 weeks of daily lectures, workshops, simulations, and discussions
  • 4 days of final examinations
  • Estimated timeline: 7 weeks
  • Occasional weekend sessions will be required.  Class times will vary depending on the subjects of the day

Term Three:

British Columbia Clinical Placement

  • Placed anywhere in the province with a Registered Midwife preceptor
  • Estimated timeline: minimum 13 weeks 

IEMBP graduates can take the Canadian Midwifery Regulators Examination (CMRE) in Spring or Fall of their program year (dependant on cohort).

For details about costs associated with the application and document verification processes, see the UBC IEMBP Application FAQs.

IEMBP Application Submission Deadline - UPDATED NEWS

Applications will be assessed as soon as the file is completed. This is when all references and verification documents are received.

We are now taking two intakes per year. Going forward we will have an October and January intake. Files will be assessed on an ongoing basis. For consideration for October intake please submit complete files no later than May 1 and for January intake no later than July 1st.

Covid 19 Updates:  

Delivery of the course may be adjusted to accommodate any changes needed to meet the criteria set forth by UBC.  Any updates and revisions will be posted here as needed.  The IEMBP strongly enourages all applicants for the 2022 intake to begin their application and requests and collection of required documents as soon as possible to avoid the delays being experienced around the world due to the current pandemic. 

During this pandemic, the shift to online learning has greatly altered teaching and studying at UBC, including changes to health and safety considerations. Keep in mind that some UBC courses might cover topics that are censored or considered illegal by non-Canadian governments. This may include, but is not limited to, human rights, representative government, defamation, obscenity, gender or sexuality, and historical or current geopolitical controversies. If you are a student living abroad, you will be subject to the laws of your local jurisdiction, and your local authorities might limit your access to course material or take punitive action against you. UBC is strongly committed to academic freedom, but has no control over foreign authorities (please visit http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=3,33,86,0 for an articulation of the values of the University conveyed in the Senate Statement on Academic Freedom).  Thus, we recognize that students will have legitimate reason to exercise caution in studying certain subjects. If you have concerns regarding your personal situation, consider postponing taking a course with manifest risks, until you are back on campus or reach out to your academic advisor to find substitute courses. For further information and support, please visit: http://academic.ubc.ca/supportresources/freedom-expression 

You can find us on FACEBOOK 



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